cleaned with hot water on the towel , pour the cleaning

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2. After issuing the impending earthquake forecast, food, water, flashlights, towels, simple clothing, plastic sheeting, simple tents, radios, pagers, etc., should be prepared for emergency shutdown of gas and electric switches.

cleaned with hot water on the towel , pour the cleaning

The oil on the surface of the refrigerator can be cleaned with hot water on the towel, pour the cleaning essence into the hot water, wet the dishcloth, gently scrub the refrigerator, find another dishcloth, pour white vinegar, and remove the stubborn stains on the refrigerator without harming the stainless steel surface. after cleaning, clean the refrigerator with cold water with a dishcloth and alcohol with a dishcloth, wipe the surface of the refrigerator, you can be as clean as new.

cleaned with hot water on the towel , pour the cleaning

It should also be noted that gray nail is an infectious disease, in order not to spread to others, we must pay attention to towels, slippers, washbasins and other special use, so that regular disinfection, to avoid cross-use. Also try to avoid going to public baths and swimming pools.

cleaned with hot water on the towel , pour the cleaning

The prevention of pinkeye disease is the same as the prevention of other infectious diseases, we must grasp the three links of eliminating the source of infection, cutting off the route of transmission and improving physical resistance. Actively treat patients with pinkeye disease and isolate them properly. During the treatment of pinkeye, try to avoid contact with patients and their used items, such as face washing towels, washbasins and so on. Try not to go to public places (eg swimming pools, theatres, shops, etc.). Attention should be paid to disinfection and isolation (boiling disinfection) to personal belongings (such as towels, handkerchiefs, etc.) or public goods such as kindergartens, schools, barbershops, bathrooms, etc. Individuals should be careful not to rub their eyes with dirty hands, cut their nails frequently, and wash their hands before and after meals. Should open the affected eyes, can not cover the affected eyes, because after covering the affected eyes, eye secretions can not be discharged, while increasing the local temperature and humidity of the eyes, which is conducive to the reproduction of bacteria or viruses and aggravate the disease.

Usually work and daily life self-care, infection department hand washing method is different from the general department, generally use disinfection bubble hands and soap running water washing techniques, hand washing times are many and time is long, disinfectant and soap hand skin damage is very, especially in autumn and winter, hand skin is prone to dry crack, so every time after hand washing must be dried with disinfection dry towel, and then wipe on hand cream. Take more massage on the skin of the hands and feet when resting at home, wear gloves when washing clothes, pay attention to maintain the integrity of the skin of the hands and feet, and reduce the chance of infection.

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